Home - Home Appliances, Tools and Household Goods - Home & Garden Appliances - High-pressure cleaners - 2E - High Pressure Washer 2E AquaClean 140, 1800 W, 140 bar, 480 l/h, 6m, 6.06kg

2E High Pressure Washer 2E AquaClean 140, 1800 W, 140 bar, 480 l/h, 6m, 6.06kg

SKU: 2E-HPW1814
The 2E mini high-pressure washer is designed to remove various types of dirt from almost any type of surfaces. The model will be useful for washing vehicles (cars, boats, motorcycles and light trucks), buildings, terraces, facades and garden tools. It can also be used to clean paving slabs or gutters. The device works both with the use of clean fresh water and detergents.
3489 UAH*
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* Recommended retail price
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